There is something about a Sunday morning. Perhaps it stems from my Christian beliefs that Sunday is the “Lord’s Day” or the Sabbath. Perhaps. For me, it has always been a special day. As I write this, I hear Lionel Richie singing “Easy” in the back of my mind. Such a great song.
As a child, Sunday meant going to church, which I loved. As a wife and mother, it was a day when my little family was safe at home and I could prepare myself for the week ahead. When I lived in Canada, Sunday was an emotional day for me, missing my family and everything about “home.” Before my father died in 2015, Sundays were our day to spend together, even if it was just lounging around doing nothing.
As I age, I miss ALL those Sundays, but I am always hopeful for what Sundays can be. No matter what they look like, there is just something about a Sunday morning, and I am grateful for each one. So today, I thank the Lord for another blessed Sunday and vow to cherish it and every day I am gifted.